Friday, August 22, 2008

School Day -1

These are Danni's concerns that will be copied to her teachers.

I asked her to write these - no help, prompts, suggestions or corrections from me.

The results:

A single response from an instructor I have yet to meet and a class she may end up withdrawing from due to a mix up -

This one act of written communication to her had a tremendous visible And I suspect deep emotional, social and academic impact! Visibly it excited her and made her happy: the written word never had this kind of impact: and as you will see, it was pretty dry reading - so it wasn't the content that created the response.

Verbally, she told me how good it made her feel that she was "somebody", she felt like she may belong; wasn't invisible. I think it also encouraged her and helped her better understand the strength, importance and rewards that written expression brings.
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